MT: Bill Would Cap Jail Time for 18-Year-Olds Who Have Consensual Sex with Other Teens at ‘Just’ 5 Years

It is a measure of how insane our sex offender laws have become, to announce that this proposed bill in Montana is a relief. Senate Bill 26 would prevent 18-year-olds who have consensual sex with other teens under the age of consent (younger than 16, but at least age 14) from needing to register as sex offenders. It would also cap the time they can possibly serve in prison at just five years. Full Article

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Why 18? Why not 19 or some other age? Was 18 just an arbitrary age picked or was there some thought behind it? How is a 19 year old’s offense worse than an 18 year old’s offense?

The state is also admitting that at least under some circumstances a minor can give consent. It is also saying you can still go to jail for consensual sex.

Yet, they’d be lifetime registrants regardless. If I could have taken 20 years prison instead of lifetime registration, I would have. Instead, I took my “freedom” when the registry was not nearly as severe as it has become.

How about this:

Stop clustering middle and high schools and community colleges together. Also stop clustering grades together in schools. Also, when a person turns 18, they should be pushed directly to college. The cut off should match the laws. This has always baffled me. The laws don’t fit realty at all.

why jail time at all! Why do we place so much value on a vagina! It wasn’t that long agao in my life time that girls ages 14 or there about’s were getting married, as they do in many countries around the globe. We’re talking basic primal instincts,it’s not unnatural! If there is an aggrieved party let them sue in court, or settle the matter “out-back.”

When these sex offender laws first began, places like Kansas had a hell of a time with their laws–they were suddenly jailing young men for things like this when the age of consent was 14 years of age!

Montana has an age of consent set at sixteen so after years and years the state discovered maybe some changes should be made. One completely brilliant idiot decided to bring a group of other “smart” individuals together so a solution could be drafted. What wonderful legislation did these forward thinking, not at all backwards, rational people write? Garbage.

So even though it’s still illegal for an eighteen year old to have sexual interactions with someone under sixteen we the state of Montana recognize sometimes that consent is possible so long as the youngest person is at least fourteen. In such instances where consent has been established we want to alter the law so the eighteen year old doesn’t have to register as a sex offender and can at most only serve five years in prison. In other words we are going to partially decriminalize illegal activities by saying they can be consensual sometimes while still punishing those who act in these ways by up to five years in prison.

Good job Montana for literally doing nothing positive.

All sex offender legislation should be amended to include funding for sex offender prevention education that starts around 10 and is repeated every year until graduation. The student/former student upon their 18th birthday must sign a form acknowledging that they full understand all sex crime laws. Tie it in with Selective Service and add women.

You will not be allowed to get a Regular Driver’s License, enter college, become a full time employee, retain your passport or be alone with any child until you have signed this form.

Every year, students will hear testimony from victims, police and offenders about how their lives are going. Offenders will be fully honest, no kumbaya shit, they will say how they no longer feel like Americans, how they go from depression, to fury, to surrender. The cops will be just as honest, as will victims.

If our enemies truly wanted to protect children, they would supplement the stranger danger, good touch bad touch with the harsh realities of life in this filthy disgusting nation as a Former Citizen Detainee(sex offender).